Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Indian Polity and Governance Quiz - 19 Nov 2014

1. Which one of the following is Human Right as well as a Fundamental Right under the Constitution of India?
[A]Right to education
[B]Right to information
[C]Right to housing
[D]Right to work

2. Which of the following is given the power to implement the Fundamental Rights by the Constitution?
[A]All courts in India
[B]The President
[C]The Parliament
[D]The Supreme Court and High Court

3. Which provision of the Fundamental Rights is directly related to the exploitation of children?
[A]Article 17
[B]Article 23
[C]Article 24
[D]Article 19

4. Which one of the following writs examines the functioning of Subordinate Courts?
[A]Habeas Corpus
[C]Quo warranto

5. Which one of the following subjects comes under the common jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and High Court?
[A]Dispute between centre and state
[B]Protection of the fundamental rights
[C]Protection from the violation of the constitution
[D]Mutual disputes among states

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