Wednesday, April 12, 2023

ReactJS MCQ Quiz

1. What is React JS?

A back-end programming language
A front-end JavaScript library
A database management system
A server-side scripting language
2. What is JSX?
A server-side rendering engine
A CSS preprocessor
A JavaScript syntax extension
A web development framework
3. What is the purpose of virtual DOM in React JS?
To enhance the user interface with animations and effects
To provide a way to store and manage data in React components
To enable server-side rendering of React components
To improve performance by reducing the need for costly DOM operations
4. What is the difference between props and state in React JS?
Props are immutable and passed from parent to child components while state is mutable and managed within a component
Props are mutable and managed within a component while state is immutable and passed from parent to child components
Props and state are interchangeable terms in React JS
Props and state have no role in React JS components
5. What is the significance of React hooks?
To enhance the performance of React components
To facilitate server-side rendering of React components
To provide a way to manage asynchronous data flow in React components
To enable functional components to have state and lifecycle methods
6. What is the purpose of the useEffect hook in React JS?
To provide a way to handle user input in React components
To render components on the server side
To manage side effects such as fetching data from an API or subscribing to events
To manage state changes in React components
7. What is the purpose of the useContext hook in React JS?
To provide a way to handle user input in React components
To manage side effects such as fetching data from an API or subscribing to events
To provide a way to share data between components without the need for props
To manage state changes in React components
8. What is the purpose of the useMemo hook in React JS?
To provide a way to share data between components without the need for props
To optimize performance by caching expensive computations
To manage side effects such as fetching data from an API or subscribing to events
To manage state changes in React components
9. What is the purpose of the useCallback hook in React JS?
To optimize performance by caching functions and avoiding unnecessary re-renders
To provide a way to share data between components without the need for props
To manage side effects such as fetching data from an API or subscribing to events
To manage state changes in React components
10. What is the purpose of the useRef hook in React JS?
To provide a way to handle user input in React components
To manage side effects such as fetching data from an API or subscribing to events
To provide a way to access DOM elements or React components directly
To manage state changes in React components

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