Wednesday, November 19, 2014

IAS Current Affairs Online Practice Test - 19 Nov 2014

1. Who has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of Fiji?
[Category: CIET Exams Current Affairs]
[A]Epeli Nailatikau
[B]Voreqe Bainimarama
[C]Laisenia Qarase
[D]Sitiveni Rabuka

2. Which country is the current chair of G20 group of countries?
[Category: REIT Exams Current Affairs]

3. Which social networking site was permanently closed by Google on 30th September 2014. 
[Category: Rural Banks Exams Current Affairs]

4. Indian Prime Minister on 24th September, 2014 approved the Electric Power Trade Agreement with ______________.
[Category: Gramin Banks Exams Current Affairs]
[C]Sri Lanka

5. Which among the following places has been decided as the next SAARC Cultural Capital for the year 2015-16?
[Category: Bank PO Current Affairs]
[D]New Delhi

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