Thursday, November 27, 2014

26 Nov 2014 General Science Quiz

1. What does nail polish remover mainly contain?

2. What is defined as the change in velocity over time?

3. The best colours for a sun umbrella will be _____________________________________.
[A]White on top and black inside
[B]Red on top and black inside
[C]Black on top and red inside
[D]Black on top and white inside

4. Which of the following polymers is used for making bullet proof material?
[A]Polyvinyl chloride

5. What is the major role of green house gas that contributes to temperature rise of the earth's surface?
[A]It lets outgoing infrared radiation pass through but stops incoming sunlight
[B]It lets incoming sunlight pass through but stops outgoing infrared radiation
[C]It stops both incoming sunlight and outgoing infrared radiation
[D]It is transparent to both incoming sunlight and outgoing infrared radiation

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