Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Multiple Choice Questions from Current Affairs - 21 Oct 2014

1. Which company agreed to buy home appliances unit of General Electric Company of Louisville for 3.3 billion US dollars in cash?
[Category: Bank Exams Prep Current Affairs]
[C]LG Electronics

2. Which Indian scientist won the MIDORI prize in Biodiversity 2014?
[Category: IBPS Prep Current Affairs]
[A]Siva Banda
[C]Dr. Kamal Bawa

3. Cipla announced commercial tie-up with UK based _____________ on 8th September, 2014.
[Category: SSB Exams Prep Current Affairs]
[A]AS Pharma Ltd
[B]Aurum Pharmaceuticals Ltd
[C]S & D Pharma
[D]Sanofi Aventis Ltd

4. Who presented the Saakshar Bharat Awards 2014 at International Literacy Day celebrations?
[Category: RRB Prep Current Affairs]
[A]Prime Minister
[C]Chief Minister
[D]Home Minister

5. Union Government on 8th September 2014 extended the deadline for Central Government employees to file the details of their assets and liabilities till _______________________.
[Category: SSC Exams Current Affairs]
[A]15th Novemeber, 2014
[B]10th October, 2014
[C]31st December, 2014
[D]30th September, 2014

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