Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Preparing Polity for Prelims Exams Samples - 24 Sep 2014

1. On which of the following issues Lt. Genl. (Retd.) Vijay Madan was appointed as Interlocutor by the central Government to continue with the dialogue?
[A]Gorkhaland Issue
[B]Naxalism Issue
[C]Naga Peace Talks
[D]Indo Bangladesh Teesta River dispute

2. In which of the following state of India, the government does not plan to open Counter Insurgency and Anti-Terrorist CIAT Schools?
[B]Jammu and Kashmir

3. In which year National Policy For The Empowerment Of Women was passed in India? 

4. If the cry of wolf is made too often as a prank, assistance and protection may not be available when the actual wolf appears. In context with which of the following, a bench of India's Supreme court made this famous remark? 
[A]IPC Section 304b 
[B]IPC Section 498A
[C]Prevention of Terrorist Activities Act
[D]Maintenance of Internal Security Act

5. Which of the following articles says that executive power of the state is vested in the Governor?
[A]Article 150
[B]Article 147
[C]Article 154
[D]Article 158

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