Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Online GK Guide for Latest GK Quizzes - 24 September 2014

1. The United Nations General Assembly appoints the Secretary-General of the United Nations on recommendation of which of the following?
[Category: RRB Prep GK]
[A]Security Council
[C]International Court of Justice
[D]Security Council and secretariat

2. Althing is the national parliament of_______________________.
[Category: SSC Exams GK]

3. Who among the following is the author of "The Apple Cart: A Political Extravaganza"?
[Category: Railway Exams GK]
[A]George Bernard Shaw 
[C]George Orwell
[D]Mark Twain

4. Which of the following city was known as Avanti in ancient India?
[Category: LIC Exams GK]

5. Who among the following has been listed for 8 times in Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world?
[Category: MPSSB Exams GK]
[A]Hillary Clinton
[B]Bill Gates
[C]Oprah Winfrey
[D]George. W.Bush

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