Thursday, September 18, 2014

Free Science & Technology Questions Answers - 18 September 2014

1. In which of the following temperature conditions the dominant vegetation is Tropical deciduous forests?

2. The pneumatophores are negatively geotropic roots which grow upward & meant for gaseous exchange. These are a characteristic of ___________________.

3. Which among the below is not a food plant?
[A]Allium cepa  
[B]Atropa belladona
[C]Asparagus officinalis
[D]Allium sativum

4. Who searched for cure for diabetes along with Dr. Charles Best?
[A]Frederick Banting
[B]Fritz Pfleumer
[C]Alexander Graham Bell
[D]Konrad Zuse

5. Which among the following is correct about Blood Group B?
[A]It has B antigen on its red cells and Anti A antigen in its plasma
[B]It has B antigen on its red cells and Anti B antigen in its plasma
[C]It has no antigens on its red cells but, anti A antigen in its plasma
[D]It has B antigen on its red cells but no antigen in its plasma

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