Thursday, July 17, 2014

General Studies – Indian Polity - 17 July 2014

1. A person can become a citizen of India even if born outside India, if his/her _________________________________________.
[A]Father is a citizen of India at the time of child's birth
[B]Mother is a citizen of India
[C]Father is a citizen of India
[D]Father or mother is a citizen of India at the time of child's birth

2. Under which Article of the Constitution, are the Cultural & Educational Rights granted?
[A]Article 30 & 31
[B]Article 29 & 30
[C]Article 28 & 32
[D]Article 25 & 26

3. The Department of Border Management is a department under which of the following Union Ministries?
[A]Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
[B]Ministry of Defence
[C]Ministry of External Affairs
[D]Ministry of Home Affairs

4. The resolution for removing the Vice President of India can be moved in ____________________________.
[A]Rajya Sabha only
[B]Lok Sabha only
[C]Joint sitting of the two houses of the Parliament
[D]Either of the two houses of the Parliament

5. Which item/subject belongs to the Concurrent list of the VIIth schedule of the Indian Constitution?
[A]Stock Exchanges
[B]Public Health & Sanitation

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