Monday, June 9, 2014

Current GK Online - India and World current affairs - 09 June 2014

1. Which two Indian state governments signed a MoU on victims of trafficking in the last week of May, 2014?
[Category: Indian Current Affairs]
[A]Maharashtra & West Bengal
[B]Madhya Pradesh & Bihar
[C]West Bengal & Goa
[D]Maharashtra & Gujarat

2. India is ranked at ___________ position in the ICC ODI team rankings which was released on 4th June, 2014.
[Category: World Rankings Current Affairs]

3. When did the US President propose US security plan of 1 billion US dollar for Eastern Europe?
[Category: International Current Affairs]
[A]1st June, 2014
[B]3rd June, 2014
[C]5th June, 2014
[D]31st May, 2014

4. Which survey was released by The Energy and Resources Institute on 3rd June, 2014?
[Category: Environmental Current Affairs]
[A]TERI Environmental Survey
[B]Environmental Health Survey
[C]Survey on Environmental & Energy Law
[D]World Economic & Social Survey

5. Where did IICA and Grant Thornton India LLP sign the MOU on 3rd June, 2014 to develop capacities of Indian companies for effective implementation of CSR rules?
[Category: Business Current Affairs]

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