Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Combined Defense service (CDS) 2014 MCQ for polity, Constitution - 10 June 2014

1. How many members of Anglo Indian Community can be nominated by President to Parliament?

2. ______ seats are reserved for Union Territories in Lok Sabha.

3. What is the maximum gap between the two sessions of the Parliament?
[A]5 months
[B]2 months
[C]6 months
[D]3 months

4. Which President of India was elected unopposed?
[A]Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
[B]Zail Singh
[C]Pranab Mukherjee
[D]Rajendra Prasad

5. Who was the first Deputy Prime Minister of India?
[A]Yashwantrao Chavan
[B]Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
[C]Jagjivan Ram

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