Saturday, January 5, 2013

Current GK and News Daily Quiz: 5 January 2013

1. What is the equity valuation measure defined as market price per share divided by annual earnings per share?
[Category: Finance GK]
[A] P/E ratio
[B] ROE (Return on equity)
[C] RAROC (Risk adjusted return on capital)
[D] ROCE (Return on capital employed)

2. KYC refers to due diligence activities that financial institutions and other regulated companies must perform to ascertain relevant information from their clients for the purpose of doing business with them. What is full form of KYC?
[Category: Banking Exams GK]
[A] Know your company
[B] Know your clientele
[C] Know your customer
[D] Know your customs

3. Who has given the quote "Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it!"?
[Category: GS For Civil Services Exam GK]
[A] Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
[B] Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[C] Shaheed Bhagat Singh
[D] V D Savarkar

4. Where is the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) located?
[Category: Bank GK]
[A] Mumbai
[B] New Delhi
[C] Hyderabad
[D] Pune

5. Who was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha in India?
[Category: India Exams GK]
[A] M. A. Ayyangar
[B] Sardar Hukam Singh
[C] Gurdial Singh Dhillon
[D] Ganesh Vasudev Mavlankar

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