Saturday, December 15, 2012

December Latest GK Current Affairs Quiz: 2012 December 15

1. Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik, who is on a three day visit in the country, has created controversy by claiming he is unsure whether Kargil martyr Captain Saurabh Kalia was killed by a Pakistani bullet or the weather. Captain Kalia, who, along with others in his team, was brutally tortured and killed during the Kargil war. Rehman Malik, who arrived in India on Friday evening, further put the government in great discomfort by dismissing India's evidence against LeT chief and equating the Babri Masjid demolition with the 26/11 attacks. He claimed he could order LeT chief's arrest sitting in India, provided India gives Pakistan real evidence. Can you name LeT Chief who was also its founder and was the mastermind behind 26/11 attacks?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A]Afzal Guru
[B]Abdul Rehman Makki
[C]Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi
[D]Hafiz Muhammad Saeed

2. Named after the author of Natyashastra Bharat Muni, the prestigious Bharat Muni Samman is given for outstanding contribution to the field of art and culture. The award has been instituted by Bhubaneswar-based organisation Kalingayana Touryatrikam. For this year the award is to be presented to a renowned film actress and Bharatanatyam exponent for her contribution towards promotion of Indian arts and entertainment on December 18, 2012 the concluding day of the three-day Bharat Muni Festival. Can you name the actress?
[Category: Awards and Honours Current Affairs]
[A]Thankamani Kutty
[B]Ratan Thiyam
[C]Hema Malini
[D]Jaya Prada

3. Sonia Gandhi and Narendra Modi locked horns on Friday after the Congress President charged that Central funds were misused by the Gujarat government and the chief minister was "inciting" people by raising concerns over border security through the Sir Creek issue and asserted that her government will not allow anyone to play with the unity of nation at any cost. Modi raised the issue in a letter to the PM and warned that “any attempt to hand over Sir Creek to Pakistan would be a strategic blunder. The Sir Creek is a strip of water, which separates Pakistani Sindh from Indian Kutch, is one of the unresolved territorial disputes between India and Pakistan, Siachen being the other one. What is the length of it?
[Category: Politics News Current Affairs]
[A]93 Kilometers
[B]94 Kilometers
[C]95 Kilometers
[D]96 Kilometers

4. On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza entered an Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and killed 27 people, including 20 children, in a mass shooting. Lanza killed himself during the incident. It was the second-deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre and the third-deadliest U.S. school massacre after the 1927 Michigan Bath School bombings and the Virginia Tech massacre. President Barack Obama reacted and said that "our hearts are broken" for the victims of a deadly shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school and called for "meaningful action" to curb gun violence. In which school this rampage took place?
QuizMantra Team's prayers are with those affected by this senseless violence.
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[A]Edmond Elementary School
[B]Fairfield Elementary School
[C]Sandy Hook Elementary School
[D]Hattertown Elementary School

5. A former director of the CBI on Friday alleged that he faced pressure from the government while he was in office. The government, however, rejected allegation, saying that the CBI was an independent organisation. The former director told a news channel on Friday, 14th Dec, that "when we investigate cases against prominent political leaders, there are some influences to keep the progress report pending or present in a certain way". He further added, "When I was director of the CBI, I never spoke particularly about the Mayawati case (relating to disproportionate assets) I had spoken in general that independence should be given to the CBI with respect to few things because the CBI is completely controlled by the government." Name the former director who reveled it?
[Category: General News Current Affairs]
[A]U S Mishra
[B]Amar Pratap Singh
[C]Joginder Singh
[D]T N Mishra

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