Friday, September 14, 2012

Business Management Quiz - 81

1. An extension of Herzberg’s and Maslow's content theories of motivation comes from the work of Clayton Alderfer. Which of the following statements is not true about Alderfer's ERG theory?
[A]This theory revised Maslow's theory to make the needs and the sequence of needs less rigid
[B]This theory collapses five needs into three
[C]This theory indicates that all three needs can operate at the same time
[D]The third set of needs is related to extrinsic needs

2. Which of the following are characteristics of the planning process usually adopted in US Managementstyle?
I. Short-term orientation.
II. Collective decision-making.
III. Decisions initiated at the top, flowing down.
IV. Fast decision-making.
V. Slow decision-making.
[A](I), (II) and (III) above
[B](II), (III) and (IV) above
[C](I), (III) and (IV) above
[D](II), (III) and (V) above

3. Which of the following are advantages of external recruitment?
I. Recruitment costs will be low.
II. Reliable information is available about candidates.
III. Candidates may have broader experience.
IV. Candidates may be familiar with competitors.
V. Candidates are a source of potential new ideas.
[A](I), (II) and (III) above
[B](I), (II) and (V) above
[C](I), (IV) and (V) above
[D](III), (IV) and (V) above

4. Apart from on-the-job training, there are many other approaches to manager development. Developmentof organizing and intervening skills in group processes, usually takes place in case of
[A]Sensitivity training
[B]Survey feedback
[C]Team building
[D]Process consultation

5. A simulation model is used in which of the following steps of operations research?
[A]Formulating the problem
[B]Constructing a mathematical model
[C]Testing the method
[D]Providing controls

6. Performance appraisal involves the formal evaluation of an individual’s job performance. Which of thefollowing is not a useful suggestion for providing effective feedback in an appraisal review?
[A]Make the feedback goal-oriented
[B]Ensure understanding
[C]Keep the feedback impersonal
[D]Direct negative feedback toward behavior that is uncontrollable

7. A useful way to classify various motivation theories is to look at their major thrust. Which of thefollowing motivation theories emphasizes on the dynamics of motivation and how individuals are motivated?
[A]Content theory
[B]Need hierarchy theory
[C]Process theory
[D]ERG theory

8. Which of the following statements is/are true about staffing?
I. It is necessary to take into account the internal and external organizational factors while staffing.
II. Staffing is a process, which does not influence other managerial functions.
III. It involves selecting individuals whose goals are congruent with those of the organization.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Only (III) above
[D]Both (I) and (III) above

9. Which of the following statements is/are true about a ‘Certified Management Audit?’
I. It appraises an organization’s position – where it is, where it is heading, whether objectives are met, whether revision of plans is required.
II. The responsibility of conducting a certified management audit lies with individuals within theorganization who have sufficient knowledge.
III. It takes a longer time to carry out than an accounting audit.
IV. It requires objective standards that should be applied impartially.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Both (I) and (II) above
[C]Both (III) and (IV) above
[D](II), (III) and (IV) above

10. An information system is an organized collection of data, equipment, procedures and people involved inthe collection, storage and processing of data to produce information required in the management of an organization. For an information system to be effective, it should provide
[A]Internal timely information
[B]External timely information
[C]Internal accurate information
[D]Internal and external information that is timely and accurate

11. Which of the following statements are true about tactical control?
I. It focuses on implementing plans at the department levels.
II. It monitors day-to-day results.
III. It involves weekly, fortnightly and monthly reporting cycles.
IV. It involves monitoring critical environmental factors.
[A]Both (I) and (II) above
[B]Both (I) and (III) above
[C]Both (II) and (IV) above
[D](I), (II) and (IV) above

12. Which of the following is/are disadvantage(s) of internal recruitment?
I. Unsuccessful contenders may become disgruntled.
II. Selection is more susceptible to office politics.
III. The probability of mistake is higher.
IV. The new employee may have a slower start because of the need for organization orientation.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Both (I) and (II) above
[C]Both (II) and (IV) above
[D]Both (III) and (IV) above

13. Which of the following statements is/are true about investment centers?
I. The control system examines the role of assets in generating profit.
II. In investment centers, outputs are measured in monetary terms and directly compared with input costs.
III. It helps top management calculate the mere inflow and outflow of currency, rather than giving a total picture of profitability.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (III) above
[D]Both (II) and (III) above

14. Which of the following is/are conclusion(s) drawn from the trait approach to leadership?
I. There are certain traits that guarantee that a leader will be successful.
II. It is based on early research that assumes that a good leader is born, not made.
III. Leadership is a simple issue of describing the traits of successful leaders.
IV. It is based on early research that assumes that a good leader is made, not born.
[A]Only (II) above
[B]Only (IV) above
[C]Both (I) and (IV) above
[D]Both (II) and (III) above

15. Which of the following did Fiedler define as the degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinateshave in their leader?
[A]Leader-member relations
[C]Position power
[D]Referent power

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