Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Latest Management Concepts and Functions (Business Management Quiz - 69)

1. Which of the following statements is not true of staff authority?
[A]A staff manager is a generalist
[B]A staff manager assists others
[C]A staff manager serves authority
[D]A staff manager makes plans

2. In a business situation things are so complex, that without proper plans this complexity cannot be handled. Planning basically involves defining the organization’s goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans
[A]As to which shift will perform what work functions
[B]To establish the quality and quantity of work to be accomplished
[C]To determine which manager will head which department
[D]To integrate and coordinate organizational work

3. A plan that comprises general guidelines, does not lock managers into a specific course of action and does not have defined objectives is referred to as
[A]Operational plan
[B]Tactical plan
[C]Strategic plan
[D]Directional plan

4. Which of the following is a characteristic of Immoral Management?
[A]Managers strive for success, but never violate the parameters of ethical standards
[B]Managers follow the law not only in letter, but also in spirit
[C]Managers show lack of concern about others' desire to be treated fairly
[D]This type of management strives to follow ethical principles and precepts

5. Programmes and budgets are examples of
[A]Single-use plans
[B]Standing rules
[D]Gantt chart components

6. Just as organizations define goals at different levels, they also establish plans at different levels. On the basis of the organizational level, plans can be strategic, tactical and operational. Which of the following would not be an accurate depiction of the differences between strategic and tactical planning?
[A]Strategic planning is developed mainly by upper-level management and tactical planning is generally developed by lower-level management
[B]Facts for strategic planning are generally easier to gather than facts for tactical planning
[C]Strategic plans generally contain less details than tactical plans
[D]Strategic plans generally cover a longer period of time than tactical plans

7. With respect to SWOT analysis of the competitive environment in which a company operates, which of the following cannot be a potential ‘threat’ for a company?
[A]Costly new regulatory requirements
[B]Loss of sales to substitute products
[C]Obsolete facilities
[D]Technological changes that undermine demand for a product

8. Major decisions in organizations are most often made by groups rather than a single individual. Group decision-making is the norm in most large and complex organizations. There are different group decision-making techniques. Two such techniques are Nominal Group technique and Delphi technique. The difference between the Nominal Group technique and the Delphi technique is
[A]One is a verbal approach, the other is written
[B]One is a short term group, the other is long term
[C]One is visual, the other is verbal
[D]One is face-to-face, the other keeps group members anonymous

9. Managers making ethical decisions may belong to any of the three levels of moral development. Which of the following stages describes the pre-conventional level of moral development??
[A]Following rules only when it is in one’s immediate interest
[B]Living up to what is expected by people who are close to oneself
[C]Maintaining conventional order by fulfilling obligations to which one has agreed
[D]Valuing rights of others, and upholding non-relative values and rights, regardless of the majority's opinion

10. A method under which a manager is given specific objectives to achieve and is evaluated according to the accomplishment of these objectives is called
[A]Means-ends analysis
[B]Operational objectives
[C]Individual objectives
[D]Management by objectives

11. Group decisions tend to be
[A]Made more quickly
[B]More accurate
[C]Less creative
[D]More efficient

12. According to the Scientific Management School of Thought, which of the following is defined as the systematic, objective and critical examination of all the factors governing the operational efficiency of a specified activity to bring about improvement?
[A]Work Methods Study
[B]Micromotion Study
[C]Time Study
[D]Motion Study

13. Which of the following is not a strength of a ‘management by objective’ (MBO) program?
[A]It aids planning by emphasizing collaborative efforts between managers and subordinates
[B]It clarifies management’s expectations from subordinates
[C]It aids in scanning the business environment
[D]It improves the flow of information and communication between managers and subordinates

14. Many factors influence the design of effective organization structures. Which of the following is not one of the structural methods for promoting innovation, that help in implementing strategies and organizational goals?

15. Which of the following involves major changes in organizational structure and changes in some major components of the organization?
[B]Span of control

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