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Business Communication Quiz - 51

1. The physical setting in which the interview takes place can have a great deal of influence on the results. A setting with the minimum distractions is generally the best. Which of the following is true regarding the seating arrangement at the time of interview?
[A]When two parties face each other with no barriers between them there is a greater degree of formality
[B]An interviewer who address the respondent from behind a desk assumes greater control
[C]Two parties facing each other with no barriers between them is not suggestible at the time of interview
[D]Always see to it that there will not be any physical object creating distance between the interviewer and the respondent

2. Employment interviews provide general information to potential applicants before a job actually exists or take place when a specific job opening has occurred and applicants are to be screened for the position. Which of the following questions would be most appropriate during an employment interview?
[A]What is your spouse’s occupation and how many children do you have?
[B]Why did you leave your previous job?
[C]What is your religion?
[D]What health problems do you have?

3. Which of the following is a good advice while attending the preliminary screening interview?
I. Keep responses short and to the point.
II. Talking too much can be a big mistake.
III. To demonstrate your qualifications, try to emphasize the theme you used in developing your resume.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (II) above
[D]All (I), (II) and (III) above

4. While scanning the resumes or interviewing the candidates, which of the following is/are considered by the employer?
I. How a candidate will fit in with the organization.
II. How well the candidate's skills match the job requirements.
III. Pre-employment testing to determine whether a candidate has the necessary psychological characteristics.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (II) above
[D]All (I), (II) and (III) above

5. An interview is a goal-oriented, interpersonal communication between an interviewer and a respondent. Conducting a successful interview requires three important skills: questioning, listening and

6. An interview is a goal-oriented, interpersonal communication between an interviewer and a respondent. The most important aspects in conducting an interview are
I. Preparation.
II. Location.
III. Questions.
IV. Judgement.
[A]Both (I) and (II) above
[B]Both (II) and (III) above
[C]Both (III) and (IV) above
[D]All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) the above

7. The success of a meeting depends on the ability of each individual member of a group to communicate with the rest of the group as a whole. The best way to handle an emotional reaction in a business setting is to
[A]Focus on your argument and ignore the emotional elements
[B]Repeat yourself in hope that this will help diffuse emotions
[C]Express understanding
[D]Give in and agree with the other person's viewpoint

8. The success of a meeting depends on the ability of each individual member of a group to communicate with the rest of the group as a whole. The biggest mistake in holding meetings is
[A]Not having a specific goal
[B]Not inviting enough participants
[C]Circulating the agenda too far in advance
[D]Sticking too closely to the agenda

9. It is an accepted fact that two minds can always think better than one. Hence, teamwork is an advisable practice in organizations for their effective functioning. Teams can be of many types. Virtual teams are those whose members
[A]Regularly meet face to face to solve company problems
[B]May be separated geographically and communicate electronically
[C]Are earnest and sincere in all their interactions
[D]Are self-directed and hold each other mutually accountable

10. How do you deal with your own views and individual style when you communicate with outsiders on behalf of your company?
I. You should subordinate your own views and individual style to the interests and style of your company.
II. You should express your own views and individual style.
III. You should ask the company to modify and match its views and style with your own.
IV. You should speak as little as possible.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Only (III) above
[D]Both (III) and (IV) above

11. Groups form to accomplish some objective. The objective may be to complete some kind of task or it may be to strenghten interpersonal relationships between the group members. Groupthink refers to
[A]The willingness of individual group members to set aside their personal opinions and go along with everyone else
[B]The four-step decision-making process in groups
[C]Software programs that help groups make decisions
[D]The basic rules that underlie a group's behavior

12. In order to accomplish the desired objectives of the meeting, the leader must follow the agenda. Whenever the discussion strays from the agenda, he should redirect it so that it stays focused on the main purpose. Which of the following is not true regarding the role of leader in a meeting?
[A]To redirect the focus on the main purpose, the leader can be too directive
[B]An effective leader does not start out by telling the others how a particular issue should be resolved
[C]Leader prompts members to be more forthcoming
[D]Leader should confront the troublemaker and make him realize that he is hampering the proceedings

13. Groups are formed to accomplish some objectives. The objective may be to complete some kind of task or it may be to strengthen interpersonal relationships between the group members. If Chandra is putting together a company team, she should
[A]Make sure that the team is as homogeneous as possible
[B]Encourage tactful, constructive disagreement
[C]Encourage person-oriented confrontation
[D]Ensure that the team has 10 or more members

14. After the meeting is over, the leader assesses the results. Was the purpose achieved? Did all the members participate in the discussion? Was the decision taken in an appropriate manner? How can the next meeting be conducted better? All of these come under
[A]Concluding the meeting
[B]Conducting business
[C]Following up the meeting
[D]Sending the notice of the meeting

15. Groups form to accomplish some objective. The objective may be to complete some kind of task or it may be to strengthen interpersonal relationships between the group members. Which of the following is not a common ground rule used by workplace teams?

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