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Business Communication Questions Answers(Business Communication Quiz - 37)

1. After you have carefully weighed all the options that are open to you, the next important step isplanning your resume. Remember, your resume will probably be vying for the employer’s attentionwith 100 or 200 other resumes, perhaps more. Which of the following sections usually dominates a chronological résumé?
[A]The "Education" section
[B]The "Career Summary" section
[C]The "Work Experience" section
[D]The "Skills and Accomplishments" section

2. A memo is a written message designed to provide a quick convenient way for personnel tocommunicate with each other. The prerequisite of a good memo is, it should
[A]Be of at least a full page in length
[B]Include a salutation and formal close
[C]Use a formal, businesslike tone
[D]Stick to a single topic

3. The proposal is a variation of problem-solving reports. A proposal is a document prepared to describehow one organization can meet the needs of another. Solicitation or invitation to bid on a contract is called
[A]A request for proposal (RFP)
[B]An internal report
[C]An informational report
[D]A routine report

4. Your senses receive lots of information, either intentionally or unintentionally. You do not detecteverything in your sensory world because
I. Your senses are limited.
II. Your mental alertness is not always keen.
III. You tune out some of it.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (II) above
[D]All (I), (II) and (III) above

5. The unspoken part (nonverbal) of communication always accompanies the verbal part. The unspokenpart of the communication conveys myriad meanings. Which type of nonverbal communicationsuggests that people have been accepted and will be allowed to offer new ideas?
[A]Open body position
[B]Closed body position
[C]Defensive body position
[D]Aggressive body position

6. Listening is the most frequent, perhaps the most important type of on-the-job communication.Listening that occurs in informal business settings such as the company cafeteria is

7. Researches have shown that group decision-making follows a predictable pattern. Aubrey Fisheridentified four stages in group problem solving. What are these stages (in order)?
[A]The orientation stage, the emergence stage, the conflict stage and the reinforcement stage
[B]The orientation stage, the conflict stage, the reinforcement stage and the emergence stage
[C]The emergence stage, the orientation stage, the conflict stage and the reinforcement stage
[D]The orientation stage, the conflict stage, the emergence stage and the reinforcement stage

8. Which of the following key topics should be covered in an effective meeting agenda?
I. Welcome/Introduction.
II. Apologies for absence.
III. Minutes of the last meeting.
IV. Date of next meeting.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Both (I) and (III) above
[C](I), (III) and (IV) above
[D]All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above

9. In which of the following situations would the boss be considered both a primary audience and aninitial audience?
I. You compile sales figures from the last three fiscal years to use as evidence in a report designed to convince your boss, a production supervisor, that a radical new marketing plan is needed.
II. Your boss asks you to compile sales figures for the last fiscal year so she can send them on to her boss, who needs the information to prepare himself for an upcoming board meeting.
III. You write a proposal to your boss suggesting a new promotional idea in hopes that she will like it enough to pass it on to the division chief, who has the power to implement a new plan.
IV. Your boss asks you to compile sales figures and put them in an informative report so she can decide if your new marketing strategies have paid off and should be continued.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (IV) above
[C]Both (I) and (II) above
[D]Both (II) and (III) above

10. In job application letter it is customary to quote one or two references. These references enhance ourcredibility. Letters requesting a personal reference usually
I. Are common when the prior work relationship was informal.
II. Takes an indirect approach.
III. Usually has two primary purposes.
IV. Are followed by e-mail conversations.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Only (III) above
[D]All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above

11. How one presents the information decides the success or failure of the message. Sometimes a harshmessage may be presented in such a way that the impact of the message is lessened. If you are sending an informative message to employees about policy statements or procedural changes
[A]You can assume that employees will have a neutral response
[B]You should use the indirect approach
[C]You should use the body of the message to highlight how the policy or procedure will benefit the readers
[D]You should describe the circumstances leading to the changes

12. Before you actually start structuring your resume, it would be a good idea to take inventory of all theinformation you actually want to include. The format, content and style of your resume will depend onyour specific qualifications, the job profile and the individual personality you wish to portray. What could be the disadvantage of having a "Career Objective" section in a resume?
[A]It reveals your long-term goals
[B]It takes employers' attention away from your work experience
[C]It takes up space for no reason
[D]It limits your choices

13. Imagine you are a HR manager in a medium sized firm, which recently put out an advertisement forsales representatives. The company needs three people. You get nearly 500 application letters. Afterall, it is the appearance that makes the first impression. Where is the signature block in the commercial letter placed?
[A]Double space below the body
[B]Double space below the salutation
[C]Four spaces below the complimentary close
[D]Double space below the inside address

14. Informal communication increases when official channels are closed or when the organization facesperiods of change, excitement, or anxiety. Instead of trying to eliminate the grapevine, sophisticatedcompanies minimize its importance by making certain that the official word gets out. But, someexecutives are wary of informal communication channels, possibly because they
[A]Fear the spread of misinformation
[B]Believe only formal channels are efficient carriers of information
[C]Object to casual conversations on company time
[D]Fear a loss of their control over the flow of information

15. When you check the critic’s feelings, you identify the emotions that the critic seems to be expressing verbally or nonverbally. Which of the following is not a purpose of checking feelings?
I. To understand the critic’s emotions.
II. To understand the critic’s point of view.
III. To determine the importance of the criticism for the critic.
IV. To understand the unspoken ideas and feelings that may actually be more important than the voiced criticism.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Both (I) and (III) above
[D]Both (III) and (IV) above

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