Friday, March 9, 2012

Project Management Quiz - 69 (Project Manager)

1. A project network is a graphical display showing ……………………….:
[A]arrows and nodes
[B]sequence of project activities
[D]resources used in the project

2. The network is used by the project manager to:
[A]Identify relationship between tasks
[B]Optimize the usage of resources
[C]Develop the project schedule
[D]All of the above

3. To optimize and reduce the project schedule what steps should be taken?
[A]The number of activities should be reduced
[B]The duration of activities should be reduced
[C]Activities should be overlapped wherever possible
[D]Reduce the project goals

4. An activity is a fundamental……………… for managing a project:
[C]Work package
[D]Controlling event

5. An activity performs work given in the:
[A]Gantt Chart
[B]work package

6. Which one of the following is not consumed by an activity?
[B]Brand equity

7. What is not characteristic of an activity?
[A]It consumes resources
[B]It is the same as a task
[C]It denotes a milestone in a network
[D]It is a basic entity on which a network is built

8. Dummy activities are used in which kind of diagramming method:
[D]Activity on node

9. In an ADM dummy activities are used to:
[A]Show multiple critical paths
[B]Identify alternate cost flows
[C]Identify dependency relationships
[D]Link subprojects to primary project starts

10. In an ADM arrows reflect:
[A]Only direction of relationship between 2 activities from left to right
[B]Only direction of relationships between 2 activities from right to left
[C]Only an activity
[D]Both an activity and the direction between two activities

11. An activity-on-arrow diagram is same as:

12. An activity-on-node diagram is also known as:
[C]Gantt chart

13. --------------- types of relationships are possible in PDM scheduling:

14. The precedence diagramming method provides project managers with knowledge of:
[A]Tasks likely to be involved in the project integration and resource allocation functions
[B]A graphical interpretation of task inter-dependencies
[C]The project's completion date
[D]Project duration analysis showing which sequence of activities have least flexibility

15. An arrow in precedence diagramming method reflects:
[A]Only the logical relationship between 2 activities
[B]Only the activity
[C]Both an activity and the direction between 2 activities
[D]Only the direction of relationship between 2 activities from right to left

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