Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Project Management Quiz - 57

1. A SWOT analysis is a useful tool for:
[A]Focussing on weaknesses and removing threats
[B]Focussing on threats as well as weaknesses
[C]Focussing on weaknesses and minimizing threats
[D]Focussing on opportunities to maximize profits

2. Strengths and weaknesses of a company are ________________:
[A]CEO driven factors
[B]Always based on company policy
[C]Internal factors

3. Project manager should be involved in the project:
[A]Right from the planning stage
[B]Only in the execution phase
[C]Not be involved in awarding contracts if there is a separate contract department
[D]Only with the Government statutory bodies

4. During Integration:
[A]Rework is necessary for outputs that do not conform to specifications
[B]Completed work packages are checked to verify they meet the requirements
[C]The work is handed over to operations
[D]A and B

5. Problem solving is important in projects because:
[A]Project's face many uncertainties due to limited information
[B]Problems crop-up that must be resolved innovatively
[C]New problems can arise when solving a problem
[D]All of the above

6. Six Thinking Hats helps in problem solving by all of the following except:
[A]Looking at a problem from different perspectives
[B]Concentrates on a person's normal way of thinking
[C]Helps in understanding various complexities of the problem
[D]Forces a person to think outside their normal way of thinking

7. The project manager can look at a problem intuitively, logically, creatively and judiciously by using:
[A]Lateral thinking
[B]SWOT analysis
[C]Six thinking hats
[D]Simulated thinking

8. The art of problem solving is all except:
[A]A skill as the method can be reused
[B]A process as it requires following a number of steps
[C]A tool as it helps to achieve a goal
[D]A skill that is difficult to use again

9. Ensuring conformance is not important to:
[A]Re-baseline the project scope
[B]Check the quality is as required
[C]Avoid delivery of sub-standard work packages
[D]Meet the project's success criteria

10. Most projects consists of:
[A]Many interrelated parts
[B]Many interconnected aspects
[C]Many parts that must be integrated together to work as a 'whole'
[D]All of the above

11. Integrating the project is the key responsibility of the:
[A]Project team and the project manager
[B]Project manager, customer and operations
[C]Project manager
[D]Project manager, sponsor and operations

12. For problem solving you should first:
[A]Look for possible solutions
[B]Examine and formulate the problem
[C]See what others are doing
[D]Be creative in your approach

13. Lateral thinking helps to:
[A]Go to the root cause of a identified problem
[B]Helps to solve a problem without removing the cause
[C]Use 5 Whys to ensure conformance
[D]All of the above

14. To ensure that the project's product or service conforms to requirements the project manager need not:
[A]Have a clear communication system
[B]Verify the results
[C]Involve the Sponsor in integration
[D]Co-ordinate and control the work

15. Ensuring conformance implies:
[A]Checking only the contractual obligations
[B]Creating a checklist outlining a suitable code of conduct of team members
[C]Checking the quality of the deliverables against the scope
[D]Making sure there is no room for vigilance inquiries

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