Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Management Quiz - 14

1. As a manager, you decide that every afternoon, you are going to spend time with your employees to find out what’s happening. This is called
[A]The grapevine
[B]Management by wandering around
[C]Horizontal communication
[D]Downward communication

2. Titan has offered diamond-studded watches in the ‘jewellery watch segment’ under the brand name of Tanishq. What type of marketing has Titan attempted?
[A]Buzz marketing
[B]Direct marketing
[C]Niche marketing
[D]Societal marketing

3. Communication is the transfer of information in the form of an understandable message through a channel from a sender to others. If Boeing Aerospace Co. has difficulty communicating with the British Air Force because of the abbreviations used by the British military, this is a problem in
[A]The grapevine

4. Which of the following is/are the finding(s) of Hawthorne Studies?
[A]Workplace culture sets its own standards
[B]Fatigue is the main factor affecting the output
[C]Job performance depends on the individual worker
[D]Both (a) and (b) of the above

5. The basic method of _______ control is an improvement over _______ control, because it tries to shorten or to eliminate the delay between performance and feedback about the performance
[A]Feedback, Feedforward
[B]Concurrent, Feedback
[C]Feedback, Concurrent
[D]Feedforward, Feedback

6. Which of the following is not true with regard to the Porter and Lawler model of motivation?
[A]It’s built on Vroom’s expectancy theory
[B]It means motivation is not a simple cause-and-effect matter
[C]It assumes that satisfaction leads to performance
[D]It emphasizes reward structure

7. When a shop foreman at a Ford Motor Co. plant orders a worker to change the way he is working in order to improve the productivity of the production line, which principle is the foreman using?
[C]Unity of command
[D]Division of work

8. The idea that a marketing manager should focus his efforts only on those lines of the budget that deviate significantly from planned expenditures is part of which principle?
[D]Planned change

9. What is the name given to a group that is created by an organization to accomplish a relatively narrow range of purposes within a stated or implied time horizon?
[A]Functional group
[B]Task group
[C]Informal group
[D]Formal group

10. Irena has been assigned to work on the development of a budget that plans future investments in major assets such as building and heavy machinery. Irena is working on a(n)
[A]Cash budget
[B]Capital budget
[C]Revenue budget
[D]Operating budget

11. Organizations that have divisional structure but do not treat the divisions as autonomous businesses may opt to set up
[A]Standard Cost Centers
[B]Revenue Centers
[C]Profit Centers
[D]Investment Centers

12. Advertisements for products and services such as life insurance policies, mouthwash and deodorants play upon fear. By showing the unfortunate consequences that a consumer faces if he doesn’t use the service or product, advertisers force the consumers to purchase the product or service Such ads use
[A]Legitimate power
[B]Coercive power
[C]Expert power
[D]Referent power

13. When a manager asks another manager how he makes important marketing decisions and is told: "Oh, I just go with my gut-feeling," this marketing manager is using what decisionmaking approach?

14. ______ is the practice of comparing, on some measurable scale, the performance of a key business operation in-house vis-à-vis a similar operation in another organization.
[C]Total Quality Management (TQM)

15. A strategy refers to the determination of the purpose and the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve these aims. In this context, if AT & T decided to buy “Media One”, a cable company, it was pursuing a
[A]Functional – Level strategy
[B]Cost leadership strategy
[C]Focus strategy
[D]Corporate – Level strategy

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