Friday, December 16, 2011

Business Law Quiz - 4

1. An alien friend can enter into partnership with an Indian subject.

2. An auctioneer has full authority to sell the goods of his principal by private contracts.

3. An insolvent person can accept or endorse a bill.

4. An intention to create legal relations is one of the most important criterions to establish a contract.

5. An unpaid seller can sue the buyer for damages as well as the price of the goods.

6. An unpaid seller cannot file a suit against the buyer for repudiating the contract.

7. An unpaid seller has a right against the goods as well as the buyer personally.

8. An unpaid seller has a right against the goods but does not have any personal right against the buyer.

9. An unpaid seller has the right of lien on the goods when the goods are in his possession.

10. Any person on payment of prescribed fees can inspect the Register of Firms.

11. Any user of the goods with the approval of the person who has purchased the goods for consideration is also a consumer.

12. Apparent authority and ostensible authority have different meanings.

13. As soon as the work is accomplished the contract of agency of the special agent is terminated

14. Bearer cheque is also known as Open cheque.

15. Bill of Exchange need not be stamped property

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