Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Business Law Quiz - 2

1. A minor may draw, endorse, deliver and negotiate a negotiable instrument to bind other parties except himself

2. A partnership is a form of business organisation in which three or more persons upto a maximum of thirty join together to undertake some form of business activity.

3. A person who finds goods belonging to another is the owner of those goods.

4. A person who merely gives an advice to another person in matters of business, does not thereby becomes his agent.

5. A private limited company’s shares are easily transferable.

6. A Promissory Note contains conditional undertaking to pay a certain sum of money.

7. A public company is one which is not private.

8. A sale is an executed contract whereas an agreement to sell is an executory contract.

9. A servant appointed by his masters is an agent.

10. A sub-agent acts under the direct control of his principal.

11. A trader is a middle man bringing the buyer and seller together and receiving any commission for services rendered by him.

12. Actual delivery of the goods can also be termed as physical delivery.

13. Agency is created by agreement between the parties

14. Agents acting jointly and severally are known as co-agents

15. Agents acting jointly and severally are known as sub-agents

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