Sunday, October 23, 2011

Project Management Quiz - 9

1. Communications is best described as:
[A]an exchange of information.
[B]providing written or oral directions.
[C]consists of senders and receivers
[D]effective listening.
[E]All of the above

2. Fixed Price contracts place more risk on the:
[E]C or D

3. Life cycle costing is the total cost to the customer for the acquisition and ownership over its full life. Life cycle costing categories include the cost of _____, _____, and _____.
[A]R & D, maintainability, operation and support.
[B]R & D, production, operation and support.
[C]Acquisition, operations, maintenance.
[D]Production, operations, maintenance.
[E]None of the above

4. Management By Objectives assumes that the team:
[A]is receptive to an unstructured environment.
[B]does not require close supervision.
[C]possesses a self directed philosophy
[D]identifies with project objectives.
[E]All of the above.

5. Quality may be defined as:
[A]conformance to requirements.
[B]fitness for use.
[C]continuous improvement of products and services
[D]appeal to the customer
[E]All of the above except B

6. Since risk is associated with most projects, the best course of action is to:
[A]cover all project risks by buying appropriate insurance
[B]ignore the risks, since nothing can be done about them and move forward with the project in an expeditious manner.
[C]avoid projects with clear and present risks
[D]eliminate all known risks prior to the execution phase of the project
[E]identify various risks and implement actions to mitigate their potential impact

7. The process of choosing/documenting the best approach to achieve the project objectives is part of:
[A]The scope baseline.
[B]Scope authorization
[C]Scope definition
[D]Scope planning.
[E]All of the above.

8. Time management is the allocation of time in a project's life cycle through the process of:
[E]All of the above.

9. A comprehensive definition of scope management would be:
[A]Managing a project in terms of its objective through the concept, development, implementation, and termination phases of a project.
[B]Approval of the scope baseline.
[C]Approval of the detailed project charter.
[D]Configuration control.
[E]Approved detailed planning including budgets, resource allocation, linear responsibility charts and management sponsorship.

10. Cost Plus Percentage of Cost contracts are more desirable for the:
[E]C or D

11. Management styles associated with production environments, such as assembly lines commonly include:
[A]a directing style of leadership.
[B]a lack of confidence in their workers
[C]assumption that workers lack ambition and dislike responsibility
[D]a Theory X style of leadership
[E]All of the above.

12. Quality management:
[A]is another name for careful inspections.
[B]is inversely related to productivity.
[C]is primarily the responsiblity of management.
[D]is primarily the responsibility of the workers.
[E]is essentially a motivational technique.

13. Risk management allows the project manager and the project team to:
[A]eliminate most risks during the planning phase of the project
[B]identify project risks
[C]identify impacts of various risks
[D]plan suitable responses
[E]B, C and D only

14. Scheduling is the process by which decisions are made concerning:
[A]Tasks to be accomplished.
[B]Personnel/organization that will be assigned to accomplish the task.
[C]Time when the tasks are to be completed.
[D]All of the above.
[E]A and C only.

15. The basic elements of communication include:
[A]Listening, talking and sign language.
[B]Communicator, encoding, message, medium, decoding, receiver, and feedback
[C]Clarity of speech and good listening habits
[D]Reading, writing and listening
[E]All of the above

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