Sunday, October 23, 2011

Project Management Quiz - 6

1. Integration is important in a project
[A]As different PM processes are interlinked and interact with each other
[B]To decide which activities will require more effort
[C]To decide which activities will need more resources
[D]All of the above

2. Integration is the responsibility of the
[A]Operations manager
[B]Program manager
[C]Functional manager
[D]Project manager

3. To be an effective problem solver would require the entire following trait’s except
[D]Out-of-box thinking

4. While integrating the project you find that a deliverable is delayed as the required person has met with an accident. To overcome this unforeseen risk you would use
[A]Fast tracking

5. Project definition ensures
[A]A common understanding of project purpose, objective, requirements, business needs, risk and any assumption/constraints.
[B]A platform to develop product and services
[C]Integration of products, services and results.
[D]A & B

6. Expertise on project can be obtained from
[B]Different units within organization
[C]Professional and technical associations
[D]All of the above

7. Managing project plan does not include
[A]Integrate product components in the project
[B]Integrate approved changes across the entire project
[C]Reviewing and analyzing impact of the change requests
[D]Balancing projects constraints: Scope, time, cost, quality and risks

8. Which is true regarding core functions for project management?
[A]Scope, Time, Cost and Quality are the four core function used for planning project management.
[B]Required mathematical precisions.
[C]Explains “What is to be achieved”.
[D]All of the above

9. Monitoring and control process are concerned with
[A]Comparing actual parameters against the plan as documented in the project management plan.
[B]Controlling deviations and changes
[C]Collecting functional and non functional requirements
[D]A & B

10. Monitoring does not include
[A]Collection of project performance data
[B]Measurement of project performance data
[C]Communicating project performance information and status.
[D]Assessing the alternatives.

11. Integration platform provides
[A]A common environment for product or product component testing.
[B]Compatible interfaces for product and product component for integration.
[C]A integration test report
[D]A & B

12. Sequence for Integration does not help in
[A]Incremental assembly of the product component.
[B]Planning product delivery in steps.
[C]Creating work break down structure
[D]Avoiding any overlap or conflict in component integration

13. Sequence for Integration can be decided on the basis of
[A]Functionality of the components.
[B]Customer’s need or priority
[C]Components dependencies
[D]All above

14. Assemble product components into a product does not
[A]Require a define integration sequence in place.
[B]Require an integration platform to be ready
[C]Require a resource break down structure.
[D]A & B

15. Which of the following statement is not true
[A]Assemble product component is an incremental process.
[B]Before assembling components integration sequence should be in place.
[C]Product component can be assembled without meeting its specified requirements.
[D]Impact of any pending issues is being reviewed before assembling the components.

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