Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dus Ka Dum - Employee Special Quiz - 1

The term “Employee” does not refer to any one Individual of any particular organization. It is a common term applicable to everyone. The Results displayed here in this show are collected from various organizations and are not meant to hurt the feelings/sentiments of anyone. If they do then it is definitely some coincidence.

1. What % of employees think that their Boss is not aware of what task they are doing and still their boss does the Appraisal?

2. On Receiving the “Marriage Invitation mail” from a female employee of the department, what % of employees, instead of going to the invitee, go to some one else to offer their condolence?

3. What % of employees think that they are assigned an urgent task just before they are about to leave for home?

4. What % of male employees think that there are negligible amount of pretty girls in their department/team as compared to other departments/teams?

5. What % of bachelor employees are seriously thinking of getting married in the coming December break because the believe that there would be no leaves left for the next year?

6. What % of Employee which have been provided with company laptops, work on the laptops while attending the communication meetings and do not know what is being discussed ?

7. What % of male Employee feel that the motivation level is higher with the presence a female employee in their team?

8. What % of Employee admit that they had discussed the company confidential data (like salary, JG) on coffee table?

9. What % of employees think that they should not have a Female boss?

10. What % of employees think that the best part of the training is the ‘SNACKS” part?

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