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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Project Management Quiz - 78

1. Who issues the warranty

2. When is warranty rights enforced against suppliers
[A]When warranty is not violated
[B]When warranty is violated
[C]During pre-delivery of goods and services
[D]Suppliers donot meet the commitment in delivery

3. In Contract close out ,one should:
[A]Measure the performance of a contracting organization based on specification and the technical aspects
[B]Measure how well did the contractor behaved
[C]Measure the personal relationship with the contractor
[D]Measure customer satisfaction

4. During contract closeout a product verification is done to:
[A]Ensure that the seller’s work is complete and satisfactorily meets all the requirements
[B]Verify the products design
[C]To document the seller’s work
[D]Verify the work completed for making seller payments.

5. Contract close out involves all of the following except:
[A]Relocating team members
[B]Formal acceptance of the work by the buyer
[C]Updating the contract file
[D]Product Verification

6. Who issue the purchase order
[C]Project Manager
[D]None of the above

7. what is not the part of the purchase order close out
[A]Operating instructions
[B]Compliance with the delivery terms
[C]Preparing project management plan
[D]Vendor’s claim

8. Which is not part of core element of contract
[A]Payment terms
[B]company leave policy
[C]statement of work
[D]None of the above

9. When is the project close out reports prepared
[A]Planning stage
[B]Implementation life cycle
[C]End of the project
[D]Execution stage

10. Which documents are ensured to be closed in project close out
[A]Risk management log
[B]Project Change Log
[C]A and B
[D]None of the above

11. Which Resources Are Included In The Resource Close Out?
[D]All of the above

12. What Is Not True For Team Close Out
[A]The team resources are returned after the completion of project
[B]It is not a good practice to conduct close out meeting even if the project is terminated early.It is not a good practice to conduct close out meeting even if the project is terminated early.
[C]Meeting for close out or celebration to be conducted
[D]The project manager ensures that the stakeholders should be made aware of any remaining work

13. Which aspect is included during lessons learnt from projects?
[D]None of the above

14. What is necessary to accept a project?
[A]Project plan
[B]Meeting acceptance criteria
[C]Executing a plan
[D]Resource Allocation

15. When is the project acceptance done?
[A]Project had satisfied requirement with some minor errors/omissions
[B]Project had not satisfied the acceptance
[C]Project had satisfied the acceptance
[D]At the implementation stage