Tuesday, July 14, 2020

14 July2020 GK Today Current Affairs

1. Von Karman Award of the International Academy of Astronautics is the award which is the highest distinction of the Academy. Who has been named been named as the recipient of the 2020 award, which will be conferred in March 2021 in Paris?

Charles Elachi
Dr Kailasavadivoo Sivan
David Baltimore
Karly Pitman
2. Google hosted its sixth 'Google for India' event on July 13 and reiterated its vision to drive the digital transformation of the country and help with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. For this, CEO Sundar Pichai, along with other executives at the company, announced a series of initiatives to solve the challenges Indians face right now. During the keynote, Pichai announced the Google for India Digitization Fund with an investment of what amount?
Rs. 35,000 crore
Rs. 50,000 crore
Rs. 65,000 crore
Rs. 75,000 crore
3. Which state government has decided to implement a "mini" lockdown in the state every weekend to combat the rising cases of the novel coronavirus this week?
Uttar Pradesh
4. Which day every year is observed as World Population Day, as the United Nation recognises it to address issues related to the global population?
9th July
10th July
11th July
12th July
5. India has been dropped out from the construction of a railway line from Chahbahar port to Zahedan in a country as the country's government has decided to proceed with the construction on its own because of the delay in funding and the start of the project from the Indian government. With which country did the agreement was signed by India four years ago to build a railway line?

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