Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How do I prepare Static GK for competitive exams?

Static GK is one thing which can not be mastered in a day or two. First of all you need to setup your goals and strategies to cover one aspect each day, e.g. one day you might be devoting to geography related GK, the other day you might be devoting on history or further sub topics.

For preparation you can go through NCERT books and start reading few good magazines.

Also best way is to form a small group with your like minded friends and then exchange your thoughts/learnings with them.

Setup some milestones on your learning journey(e.g. This week I will complete NCERT Class 7 geography book) and reward yourself by small treats when you achieve those (On completion of milestone successfully, I will reward myself with my favourite Amul chocolate). Or you can publish your milestones journey in your group and boast of when you complete those. This will also work as a catalyst when you tend to slip on milestones. This will help you to be more disciplined.

Finally you need to regularly dip check where you stand by playing GK quizzes at General Knowledge Quizzes

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