Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Constitutional and Indian Policy Quiz | 27 Nov 2019

1. India is a democratic republic because __________________________.
[A]There is a parliamentary supremacy
[B]The head of the state is elected by the people
[C]There is independence of judiciary
[D]There is distribution of powers between the Centre and the States

2. Citizenship provisions are enshrined in the constitution in ________________________.
[A]Part II, Articles 5-11
[B]Part I, Articles 5-11
[C]Part II, Articles 5-6
[D]Part II

3. On whom does the Constitution confer special responsibility for the enforcement of Fundamental responsibility?
[A]Supreme Court
[C]State Legislatures

4. Which right was described by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar as "The Heart & Soul of the Constitution"?
[A]Right to Equality
[B]Right to Freedom
[C]Right to Freedom of Religion
[D]Right to Constitutional Remedies

5. Details on how citizenship may be acquired and terminated are enumerated in _____________________________.
[A]Schedule I of the constitution
[B]The Citizenship Act, 1955
[C]Part II of the costitution
[D]Various enactments by Parliament

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