Monday, March 19, 2018

Latest Current Affairs And GK Quiz For 19th March, 2018

1. Which country will host the 2019 FIFA U-20 World Cup?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[D]Saudi Arabia

2. Which country has announced immediate withdrawal from the Internaational Criminal Court?
[Category: International Current Affairs]

3. Which team clinched the 2018 Indian Super League title?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[A]Delhi Dynamos
[B]Bengaluru FC
[C]Chennaiyin FC
[D]NorthEast United FC

4. Donald Trump has signed a legislation that encourages US to send senior officials to which country to meet their counterparts?
[Category: International Current Affairs]
[C]North Korea

5. A two-day informal World Trade Organisation ministerial meeting will be hosted by which Indian city?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[D]New Delhi

6. United Nations on March 18, 2018 issued an appeal for $951 million to meet the needs of ______ refugees?
[Category: International Current Affairs]

7. Which of the following Indian state generates the maximum amount of biomedical waste daily?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A]Uttar Pradesh
[C]Tamil Nadu

8. Which country has lifted a state of emergency that was put in place after an outbreak of violence against Muslim communities?
[Category: International Current Affairs]
[D]Sri Lanka

9. A clean-up drive has been initiated at which mountain to airlift 100 tonnes of waste left behind by the tourists and climbers?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[B]Moun Everest
[D]Mont Blanc

10. Who among the following would be the new chief economic advisor of the US President Donald Trump?
[Category: International Current Affairs]
[A]Larry Kudlow
[B]Gary Cohn
[C]Jason Furman
[D]Andrew Mccabe

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