Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dilip Kumar Quiz: Quiz On Bollywood Personalities.

1. What is the real name of Dilip Kumar?

[A]Muhammad Yusuf Khan
[B]Rajiv Om Bhatia
[C]Muhammad Aamir Khan
[D]Muhammad Yusuf Dilip Khan

2. Which among the following was Dilip Kumar's first movie in Bollywood?

[B]Jwar Bhata

3. Indian Media gave which among the following titles to Dilip Kumar?

[A]Mega Star
[B]First Superstar
[C]Controversial King
[D]Tragedy King

4. Dilip Kumar was born in ____?


5. What does Dilip Kumar used to do before he became an actor?

[A]He used to sell vegetables.
[B]He used to sell fruits
[C]He used to sell dry fruits
[D]He used to sell clothes

6. Dilip kumar is married to which popular actress?

[A]Saira Banu
[B]Nargis Dutt

7. In which year Dilip Kumar won the Padma Bhushan award?


8. How many Filmfare Awards are won by Dilip Kumar for Best Actor?


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