Tuesday, November 7, 2017

CMMI-DEV, V1.3 Awareness Quiz #6

1. Which representation uses maturity levels to characterize the overall state of the organization’s processes relative to the model as a whole
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]
[A]Continuous representation
[B]Staged representation
[C]Option a & b
[D]None of above

2. Which representation uses capability levels to characterize the state of the organization’s processes relative to an individual process area
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]
[A]Continuous representation
[B]Staged representation
[C]Option a & b
[D]None of above

3. Capability levels apply to an organization’s process improvement achievement in
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]
[A]Individual process areas
[B]Multiple process areas
[C]Core process area
[D]Development specific process areas

4. Maturity levels apply to an organization’s process improvement achievement across
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]
[A]Individual process areas
[B]Multiple process areas
[C]Core process area
[D]Development specific process areas

5. How many levels in Capability levels
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]

6. How many levels in Maturity levels
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]

7. The capability levels are designated by the numbers
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]
[A]0 through 5
[B]0 through 3
[C]1 through 5
[D]1 through 4

8. The maturity levels are designated by the numbers
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]
[A]0 through 5
[B]0 through 3
[C]1 through 5
[D]1 through 4

9. The names of two of the levels are the same in both representations
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]
[A]Managed & Defined
[B]Performed & Initial
[C]Performed & Defined
[D]Option b & c

10. Which are the following levels of Capability Levels
[Category: CMMi Current Affairs]
[A]Initial, Managed & Defined
[B]Performed, Managed & Defined
[C]Initial, Performed & Managed
[D]Incomplete, Defined & Optimizing

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