Saturday, October 28, 2017

CMMI-DEV, V1.3 Quiz

1. Development Process ares are,
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Requirement Development, Technical Solution, Product Integration, Verification and Validation
[B]Project Planning, Requirement Development, Technical Solution, Product Integration and Organizational Process Definition
[C]Organizational Process Definition, Technical Solution, Product Integration, Verification and Validation
[D]Requirement Development, Organizational Training, Product Integration, Verification and Validation

2. How many critical dimensions that organizations typically focus on
[Category: CMMi]

3. The Three Critical Dimensions are
[Category: CMMi]
[A]People, Process & Tools and Equipment
[B]People, Process & Procedures and methods
[C]People, Procedures and methods & Tools and Equipment
[D]Process, Procedures and methods & Tools and Equipment

4. Which Humphrey’s book, provides a description of the basic principles and concepts on which many of the Capability Maturity Models® (CMMs®) are based.
[Category: CMMi]
[A]A discipline for software engineering
[B]Introduction to the Team Software Process(sm)
[C]Introduction to the Personal Software Process(sm)
[D]Managing the Software Process

5. Initially, CMMI was one model that combined source models
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Capability Maturity Model for Software (SW-CMM) v2.0 draft C
[B]Systems Engineering Capability Model (SECM) [EIA 2002a]
[C]Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity Model (IPD-CMM) v0.98
[D]All of above

6. The first CMMI model (V1.02) was released in
[Category: CMMi]

7. The CMMI for Acquisition (v1.2) model was released in
[Category: CMMi]

8. The CMMI Framework provides the structure needed to produce CMMI
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Models, Training and Appraisal Components
[B]Models, Training and Process Areas
[C]Training, Appraisal Components and Process Areas
[D]Models, Procedures & methods and Tools & Equipment

9. The components of the CMF are part of every model generated from the
[Category: CMMi]
[A]CMMI Foundation
[B]CMMI Framework
[C]CMMI Flow
[D]CMMI Function

10. A “constellation” is defined as a collection of
[Category: CMMi]
[A]CMMI generic goal
[B]CMMI components
[C]CMMI specific goal
[D]CMMi process area

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