Thursday, October 26, 2017

CMMI-DEV, V1.3 Quiz

1. CMMi Models are
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Collection of Best Practices
[B]Collection of Industries Knowledge
[C]Collection of Benchmark
[D]Collection of Best Ideas

2. CMMi help organization to improve
[Category: CMMi]
[B]Education & Outcomes

3. CMMi Models developed by
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Product Teams with members from industry
[C]Software Engineering Institute
[D]All of above

4. CMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV), provides a comprehensive integrated set of
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Best Practices for Developing Products and Services
[B]Guidelines for Developing Products and Services
[C]Processes for Developing Products and Services
[D]Procedures for Developing Products and Services

5. Best practices in the CMMi model focus on activities for
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Developing Processes and Procedures to meet the needs of customers and end users
[B]Developing Quality Products and Services to meet the needs of customers and end users
[C]Developing Structure and Models to meet the needs of customers and end users
[D]Developing Quality Frame and Scope to meet the needs of customers and end users

6. The CMMI Framework is the basic structure that organizes
[Category: CMMi]
[A]CMMi Components
[B]CMMi Structure
[C]CMMi Core Process Area
[D]CMMi Steering Group

7. A Constellation is a collection of CMMI components that are used to
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Construct Models
[B]Training Materials
[C]Appraisal Related Documents
[D]All of above

8. CMF stand for
[Category: CMMi]
[A]CMMi Model Framework
[B]CMMi Model Foundation
[C]CMMi Management Framework
[D]CMMi Management Foundation

9. Three primary groups were involved in the development of the V1.3 CMMi Product Suite
[Category: CMMi]
[A]CMMi Steering Group, Product Team and Configuration Control Board (CCB)
[B]CMMi Steering Group, Government and Configuration Control Board (CCB)
[C]Product Team, Government and Configuration Control Board (CCB)
[D]CMMi Steering Group, Product Team and Software Engineering Institute

10. CMMi Development Document is organized into
[Category: CMMi]
[A]Five Main Parts
[B]Four Main Parts
[C]Three Main Parts
[D]Two Main Parts

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