Thursday, September 14, 2017

IMO - International Maths Olympiad Class 4 Practice Test

1. Siya bought 4 apples at Rs. 22 each and has Rs. 12 left. How much amount did she have at first?
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]

2. If the letters of the English alphabet are written in order, what will be the letter at the 9th place on right of the letter H?
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]

3. Find the missing time in the pattern.
09:00 , 09:10 , ______ , 09:30
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]

4. What would be the predecessor of smallest 4 digit number?
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]

5. 15 days is what fraction of a month of June?
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]

6. Before Science class, a boy has Maths test that lasts 20 minutes. Science class lasts for 30 minutes and ends at 10:30 A.M.. What time does the boy start Maths test?
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]

7. 23 days more than 4 weeks =
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]
[A]7 Weeks 3 Days
[B]7 Weeks 5 Days
[C]7 Weeks 1 Days
[D]7 Weeks 2 Days

8. A pencil and an eraser costs Rs 19. A pencil costs Rs. 5 more than an eraser. How much does a pencil cost?
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]
[A]Rs. 7
[B]Rs. 5
[C]Rs. 12
[D]Rs. 19

9. What is Rs. 2348.31 rounded to the nearest 10 Rs?
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]

10. ________ Hundred thousand = 50,000 tens
[Category: Maths Olympiad - IMO Class 4]

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