Thursday, August 24, 2017

Latest Current Affairs And GK Quiz For Aug 24, 2017.

1. Which bank on Aug 22, 2017 launched all-in-one DigiPoS machines?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A]Axis Bank
[C]Yes Bank
[D]Dena Bank

2. As per a report published on Aug 22,2017, which is India's most valued company?
[Category: National Current Affairs]

3. Which company on Aug 23, 2017 launched 'Project Brainwave' for real time artificial intelligence?
[Category: Science Current Affairs]

4. Which state's power distribution companies on Aug 22, 2017became the first ones to accept payments through Bharat QR?
[Category: Banking Current Affairs]
[B]Andhra Pradesh
[C]Tamil Nadu

5. National Sports museum will be established in which city?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[C]New Delhi

6. Name the Railways Board Chairman who resigned on Aug 23, 2017?
[Category: National Current Affairs]
[A]Ashwin Shenvi
[B]Arvind Kumar
[C]P.K Mohanty
[D]A.K. Mital

7. Google on Aug 23, 2017 signed an agreement with which supermarket chain to make it's products available on it's site?
[Category: International Current Affairs]

8. The Indian Government on Aug 23, 2017 announced to introduce Rs __ denomination note?
[Category: National Current Affairs]

9. NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant will launch the Mentor India campaign in which city?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A]New Delhi

10. Who among the following woman social reformers was called ‘Pandit’?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[B]Annie Besant
[C]Sister Subbalakshmi

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