Sunday, August 20, 2017

Latest Current Affairs And GK Quiz For Aug 20,2017

1. President of which Country on Aug 18,2017 appointed it's first Tamil Navy Chief after four Decades?
[Category: International Current Affairs]
[C]Sri Lanka

2. On Aug 18,2017 , Which Country launched it's first cyber court specialising in handling internet-related cases?
[Category: international Current Affairs]
[D]South Korea

3. Which Country has appointed Career Diplomat Nikolay Kudashev as it's new ambassador to India?
[Category: International Current Affairs]
[C]Sri Lanka

4. Which State Government on Aug 19,2017 launched 3 biofuel-powered buses on a Plot basis?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[C]Madhya Pradesh
[D]Uttar Pradesh

5. As per RBI, What will be the base colour of new 50 rupee note?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[B]Dark Blue
[C]Fuorescent Blue
[D]Oxford Blue

6. How many gold medals have the Indian Athletes won at the WOrld Dwarf Games which were held in Toronto , Canada?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]

7. According to Agriculture Ministry how much is India losing every year in extreme weather events?
[Category: National Current Affairs]
[A]$3-4 billions
[B]$7-10 billions
[C]$15-17 billions
[D]$9-10 billions

8. Which Space agency has launched "Tracking and Data Relay Satellite aimed at ensuring astronauts at the International Space Station with Earth?
[Category: International Current Affairs]

9. With which Bank has Power grid on 17th Aug,2017 entered into a loan agreement of $500 millions for it's various projects?
[Category: Banking Current Affairs]
[A]World Bank
[B]Asian Development Bank
[C]European Investment Bank
[D]New Development Bank

10. Reliance Defence And Engineering has decided to change it's name to __?
[Category: National Current Affairs]
[A]Reliance Fenge
[B]Reliance Shipbuilders And Engineers
[C]Reliance Defence and Naval Engineering
[D]Reliance Naval And Engineering

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