Thursday, December 11, 2014

GK General Knowledge Quiz

1. Millennium Dome, where Priyanka Chopra was crowned Miss World in 2000, is located in which European city ?
[Category: Gramin Banks Exams GK]

2. 'Uhuru Peak' at Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest point of which continent?
[Category: Bank PO GK]
[A]South America

3. Soft toy 'Teddy Bear' was named after which US president's nickname?
[Category: CWE GK]
[A]Abraham Lincoln
[B]George Washington
[C]Theodore Roosevelt
[D]John Kennedy

4. Which city in Uttar Pradesh is famous for glass bangles industry?
[Category: Clerical Exams GK]

5. With which sport is the Duckworth-Lewis Method associated ?
[Category: State Exams GK]

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