Thursday, September 11, 2014

Study Material - General Studies | IAS Helper - 11 Sep 2014

1. The Constitution 103rd amendment Bill is related to which of the following?
[A]Upgrading the status of National Commission of Minorities
[B]Reservation of backward classes on Private bodies
[C]Establishment of National Knowledge Commission
[D]Readjustment of electoral constituencies

2. Who among the following has right to declare any area as a Scheduled Area?
[A]Governor of the respective state
[B]President of India
[C]State Legislature
[D]Parliament of India

3. The establishment of a finance commission was provided by the Indian constitution by the President within a period of ______ of commencement of the constitution
[A]3 years
[B]10 years
[C]5 years
[D]2 years

4. Before 26th November 1949, which among the following was the governing law of India?
[A]Government of India Act,1919
[B]Government of India Act,1935
[C]Government of India Act,1909
[D]Government of India Act,1915

5. Which among the following amendments provided for the deletion of article 314 and inclusion of a new article 312A which confers powers on Parliament to vary or revoke by law the conditions of Civil Services ?
[A]26th Amendment Act, 1971
[B]24th Amendment Act, 1971
[C]28th Amendment Act, 1972
[D]30th Amendment Act, 1972

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