Monday, September 8, 2014

Indian Polity - Upsc Study Questions Answers Series - 8 Sep 2014

1. Which of the following commissions appointed by the British Government abolished the statutory civil service and recommended a Provincial Civil Service in 1888?
[A]James Forlong Commission
[B]Charles Freer Andrews Commission
[C]Islington Commission
[D]Aitchison Commission

2. Who among the following functions as a Constitutional Ruler and an agent of the centre?
[C]Comptroller and Auditor General
[D]Vice President

3. Which among the following is correct?
[A]The number of the Judges in the High court is decided by the president
[B]The number of the Judges in the High court is fixed for each state by the parliament
[C]The number of the Judges in the High court is subject to recommendations by the appointments committee of the state legislature
[D]The number of the Judges in the High court is fixed by the state legislature of respective state

4. Which of the following languages was added to the first of the regional languages by the 21st amendment?

5. Who among the following has been given a constitutional power to address the Parliament of India?
[A]Solicitor General
[B]Attorney General of India
[C]Chief Election Commisioner
[D]Chief Justice of India

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