Friday, September 5, 2014

Constitution Polity for Judicial Exams Preparation - 5 September 2014

1. Which among the following provisions will not require special majority and ratification by states, in case of a bill seeking to amend?
[A]Formation of new states
[B]Representation of states in Parliament
[C]Amendment of the constitution itself
[D]Distribution of the legislative powers

2. Which among the following is not correctly matched?
[A]Taxes on states and building - States list
[B]Price control - Concurrent list
[C]Audit of the accounts of Union and states - Union List
[D]Taxes on Income and agricultural Income - Concurrent List

3. Which among the following in India have been referred to as "Glorified Municipalities" by critics?
[A]Union Territories

4. Which among the following article allows special provisions to be made by the State in favor of women and children ?
[A]Article 15(3)
[B]Article 14
[C]Article 15(2)
[D]Article 15(1)

5. Which of the following statement is correct?
[A]Right to property is a fundamental right and right to privacy is also a fundamental right
[B]Right to property is a Legal right while right to privacy is a implied right 
[C]Right to property is a legal right and right to privacy is a fundamental right
[D]Right to property is a fundamental right and right to privacy is a implied right

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