Thursday, August 21, 2014

GK tests for practice free online - 21 Aug 2014

1. Hubbert Peak Theory is related to which of the following?
[Category: LIC Exams GK]
[B]Nuclear Energy
[C]Currency Trade

2. Who among the following was TIME's Person of the year 2009?
[Category: MPSSB Exams GK]
[A]Vladimir Putin
[B]Ben Bernanke
[C]Dalai Lama
[D]Bill Gates

3. Which among the following American Global Financial Firm was founded by siblings Henry, Emanuel and Mayer?
[Category: MPEB Exams GK]
[A]Washington Mutual
[B]Net Bank
[C]Lehman Brothers
[D]New Century Financial Corporation

"4. 'Walk the World' is an awareness campaign of which of the following UN agencies?
[Category: CAT Exams GK]
[A]United Nations Children's Fund
[B]World Food Programme
[C]United Nations Population Fund
[D]United Nations Environment Programme

" 5. In which year Physical coins and banknotes were introduced for the first time in Euro?
[Category: CTET Exams GK]

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