Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Competitive Exams preparation in Indian Polity - 26 Aug 2014

1. Who among the following coined the term, "zero hour"?
[A]Constitution Assembly
[B]Indira Gandhi

2. Which among the following is a correct combination of members in Joint Committee on Office of Profit?
[A]15 from Lok Sabha and 15 from Rajya Sabha
[B]15 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha
[C]20 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha
[D]15 from Lok Sabha and 7 from Rajya Sabha

3. Who among the following can establish an Inter-State Council?
[B]Supreme Court
[D]Prime Minister

4. Based on the recommendations of which of the following committee/ commissions, Inter-State Council was set up on 28th May 1990 under article 263 of the Constitution for co-ordination of Inter-State matters?
[A]Kapur Commission
[B]Khosla Commission
[C]Mukherjee Commission
[D]Sarkaria Commission

5. If the post of both the President and the Vice-President falls vacant, the Chief Justice of India discharges the functions of the President. For how many times this has happened in India?
[D]Four times

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