Thursday, May 22, 2014

22 May 2014: Daily Quiz on Indian Polity & Constitution

1. The Constituent Assembly met for the first time in __________________ on _____________________, in the Constitution Hall which is known as the Central Hall of Parliament.
[A]Kolkata;10th December, 1946
[B]New Delhi; 9th December, 1946
[C]Chennai; 26th January, 1947
[D]Mumbai; 15th August, 1947

2. On ____________________, the Indian Government adopted Sarnath, the Lion capital of Ashoka with the wheel, bull and horse as the national emblem of India.
[A]10th July,1950
[B]2nd January,1950
[C]26th January, 1950
[D]18th February, 1950

3. India has the longest Constitution in the world. It has _______ articles, _____ schedules and _____ amendments.
[A]448; 12; 94
[B]440; 15; 98
[C]420; 22; 78
[D]409; 34; 88

4. What forms the part of the basic structure of the constitution which cannot be altered by the amendment procedure?
[A]Fundamental Rights
[B]Judicial Review
[C]Directive Principles of State Policy
[D]Preamble to the Constitution

5. _________________________ has the largest jurisdiction in India.
[A]Allahabad High Court
[B]Kolkata High Court
[C]Guwahati High Court
[D]Delhi High Court

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