Thursday, May 1, 2014

1 May 2014 GK Current Affairs Quiz

1. Which IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) was ranked at the 87th position among the top 100 world universities, under 50 years of age, published by London-based Times Higher Eductaion (THE) magazine on 30 April 2014?
[Category: Education Current Affairs]
[A] Delhi
[B] Guwahati
[C] Bombay
[D] Madras

2. Which scheme was launched in the UAE in the fourth week of April 2014 by a leading Indian financial and health care service player, which tied up with the UAE Exchange to offer the scheme in the Gulf country?
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[A] Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana
[B] Rajeev Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana
[C] Indira Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana
[D] Sonia Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana

3. Which website on 24 April 2014 launched FB Newswire, acts as a repository of verified, real-time content for use of journalists and news publications?
[Category: Internet Current Affairs]
[A] Google
[B] Twitter
[C] Facebook
[D] Yahoo

4. Scientists on 29 April 2014 for the first time developed Solar Jet Fuel using Sunlight, water and carbon dioxide (Co2). The project, funded by European Union (EU), is called by what name?
[Category: New Discoveries Current Affairs]
[A] Solar-Power
[B] Solar-Aero
[C] Solar-Air
[D] Solar-Jet

5. Which company on 29 April 2014 won contracts to supply over 1.17 lakh tonnes of rails for two global tenders floated by Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL)?
[Category: Business Current Affairs]
[A] Steel Authority of India Ltd
[B] Jindal Steels
[D] Tata Steel

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your quiz is very helpful in my preprn..plz continue this for current days