Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Online GK Current Affairs Daily Questions Answers Quiz: 23 April 2014

1. The largest IT services provider of India, on 21 April 2014 joined the league of top 10 global IT services companies. It moved from the 13th position in 2012 to the 10th spot in 2013. This was revealed by the HfS Research Survey on competitive landscape for IT Services in 2013. Can you name the company?
[Category: Indian GK Current Affairs]
[A] Infosys
[C] Wipro

2. Name the Indian-American professor, who was named as one of ten Solar Champions of Change by the White House on 19 April 2014 because of the initiative taken by him in solar deployment across America?
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[A] Surendra Singh
[B] Harendra Singh
[C] Rajendra Singh
[D] Gurinder Singh

3. Which Campaign was launched on International Mother Earth Day by the India Biodiversity Portal on 22 April 2014 and would be organized from 22 April to 27 April 2014?
[Category: Recent GK Current Affairs]
[A] Neighbourhood Trees Campaign
[B] Reduce Carbon Footprint
[C] Reduce Pollution
[D] Green Healthy Life

4. A student astronomer Ethan Kruse found a self-lensing binary star system in the Lycra constellation. A binary star system is a place where two stars are so close that their gravitational interaction causes them to orbit about a common centre of mass. What name has been given to this start system?
[Category: Universe Current Affairs]
[A] KOI-3254
[B] KOI-3262
[C] KOI-3278
[D] KOI-3287

5. Who won the BMW Malaysian Open 2014 Tennis Tournament at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 20 April 2014?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[A] Donna Vekic
[B] Dominika Cibulkova
[C] Sania Mirza
[D] Maria Sharapova

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