Sunday, March 30, 2014

Daily GK Current News Affairs Magazine: 30 March 2014

1. Supreme Court on 27 March 2014 directed all the States and Union Territories to implement Prohibition of Employment as ____________ and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013.
[Category: Civil Services Exam Current Affairs]
[A] Daily Laboureres
[B] Manual Scavengers
[C] Manual Rickshaw Puller
[D] Manual Cart Puller

2. On 27 March 2014, who was sworn-in as the new Defence Minister and Army Chief of Egypt?
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[A] General Sedki Sobhi
[B] Field Marshal Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
[C] Adly Mansour
[D] Major General Mahmoud Hegazy

3. Who was appointed as the Secretary General of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) on 28 March 2014?
[Category: SSB Exams Current Affairs]
[A] Anders Fogh Rasmussen
[B] John Ashe
[C] Marquez Ibidi
[D] Jens Stoltenberg

4. Astronomers in fourth week of March 2014 discovered a miniature planet by what name with two rings of ice and pebbles between Saturn and Uranus in the Kuiper Belt?
[Category: Science GK Current Affairs]
[A] Ekkilo
[B] Dokilo
[C] Charkilo
[D] Panchkilo

5. Which edition of the Earth Hour to support environmental issues ranging from deforestation to energy efficiency was held on 29th March 2014 across the world?
[Category: Days GK Current Affairs]
[A] Sixth
[B] Seventh
[C] Eighth
[D] Ninth

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