Wednesday, February 5, 2014

GK Current Affairs Today's Quiz : 5 Feb 2014

1. On 4 February 2014, who was appointed as the Chairman of the 7th Pay Commission?
[Category: Recent GK Current Affairs]
[A] Ashok Kumar Mathur
[B] G D Batra
[C] S K Vardhan
[D] G V Krishnamoorthy

2. Microsoft's board on Tuesday, 4th Feb 2014, named Hyderabad-born Indian origin person as chief executive of the legendary tech giant that has given the world products which have become household names like Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook Express. Can you name the new CEO?
[Category: Updated GK Current Affairs]
[A] Paul Thomas
[B] Sanjay Jha
[C] Sundar Pichai
[D] Satya Nadella

3. Union Ministry of Communications and Information Technology launched the National Cloud, implemented by National Information Centre (NIC), under which Initiative on 4 February 2014?
[Category: India Current Affairs]
[A] Cloudera
[B] MeghRaj
[C] Badal
[D] MeghDoot

4. The Central Consumer Protection Council (CCPC), under the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, headed by ________ decided to set up a sub-committee, which will issue guidelines to monitor the advertisements as currently there is no any legal safeguard available for consumers to deal with the false advertisements, on 3 February 2014.
[Category: Indian GK Current Affairs]
[A] Kumari Selja
[B] Kamalnath
[C] K V Thomas
[D] M P Sidana

5. Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare inaugurated the Mother and Child Tracking Facilitation Centre at the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare in New Delhi on 31 January 2014. Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS) initiative was launched under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in which year?
[Category: Bank GK Current Affairs]
[A] December 2009
[B] December 2010
[C] December 2011
[D] December 2013

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