Monday, February 3, 2014

3rd February 2014 Questions Answers for GK Current Affairs

1. Which state has won the Ranji Trophy on 2nd February 2014?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[A] Maharashtra
[B] Karnataka
[C] Punjab
[D] West Bengal

2. The first Padma Shri awardee of Meghalaya died on 1 February 2014 at her residence at Riatsamthiah at the age of 103. Can you name her?
[Category: India GK Current Affairs]
[A] Silverine Swer
[B] Najing Pyen
[C] Tinita Jenyeng
[D] Maitrayi Das

3. Indian Tea Association (ITA) on 2 February 2014, in its report said that the country’s tea production has rose to 1200 million kilograms in 2013 as against 1126 million kilograms in 2012. What is the percent increase of tea production in the year 2013?
[Category: Business Current Affairs]
[A] 5%
[B] 6%
[C] 6.5%
[D] 7%

4. Olympic torch was lit in Russia on 1 February 2014 at its highest point on the western peak of Mount Elbrus, the highest peak Of Russia, which also is the highest peak of all of Europe. The torch was lit by two experienced mountain climbers at a height of 5642 meters above sea level a week before the opening of the Winter Olympic Games in which place?
[Category: Sports GK Current Affairs]
[A] Kanchi
[B] Sochi
[C] Mascow
[D] Siberia

5. Which Oscar-winning American actor died on 2 February 2014 at his flat in New York at the age of 46?
[Category: World Current Affairs]
[A] Noel Lebowski
[B] Tony Truman
[C] Pete Anderson
[D] Philip Seymour Hoffman

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