Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 2014 GK and Current Affairs Quiz - 1 Jan 2014

1. Union Finance Minister told the regulators on 31 Dec 2013 that they must implement proposals of the Finance Sector Legislative Reforms Commission (FSLRC). The Finance Sector Legislative Reforms Commission (FSLRC) report contains 12 key proposals and these do not require legislative changes. Who is the Finance Minister?
[Category: Bank Exams GK Current Affairs]
[A] P Chidambaram
[B] Pranav Mukherjee
[C] Kapil Sibbal
[D] Kamalnath

2. Which two time medal winner wrestler in Olympics has received eight acres of land by the Haryana Government on 31 December 2013 for setting up his academy at the Motilal Nehru School of Sports in Sonepat?
[Category: Sports Current Affairs]
[A] Vijender Kumar
[B] K D Jadhav
[C] Mukesh Kumar
[D] Sushil Kumar

3. Can you name the first female judge who sworn-in on 30 December 2013 at Pakistan’s national sharia court which hears cases under the Islamic legislation?
[Category: World GK Current Affairs]
[A] Afsara Noor
[B] Ashraf Jehan
[C] Khalida Jehan
[D] Afsa Ali

4. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released its _________ Financial Stability Report (FSR) on 30 December 2013. The FSR was released against the backdrop of a mild positive market reaction to the announcement of tapering in the US Federal Reserve bond purchase plan from January 2014.
[Category: Banking Questions Answers Current Affairs]
[A] 6th
[B] 7th
[C] 8th
[D] 9th

5. Indonesian Government announced to build a new sanctuary to save World’s rarest Javan rhinos. The new sanctuary will be carved out of the a National Park, which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is situated on the western tip of Indonesia's main island of Java. Can you name this National Park?
[Category: Civil Services GK Current Affairs]
[A] Abah Gede
[B] Ujung Kulon
[C] Kinju Thomba
[D] Suvarn Kanti

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